▼Ncppext | |
▼Ndetail | Implementation of shared_state_ptr |
Ccontinuation_process_async | |
Ccontinuation_process_async< T, FEATURES, void, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_async< void, FEATURES, TOUT, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_async< void, FEATURES, void, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred< T, FEATURES, void, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred< void, FEATURES, TOUT, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred< void, FEATURES, void, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred_wait | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred_wait< T, FEATURES, void, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred_wait< void, FEATURES, TOUT, CALLABLE > | |
Ccontinuation_process_deferred_wait< void, FEATURES, void, CALLABLE > | |
Cshared_state | Internal class for holding the data which is shared between multiple instances of the same queue |
Cshared_state< void > | Specialisation of the shared_state class for the type void |
Cshared_state_base | Internal base class for holding the data which is shared between multiple instances of the same queue |
Cshared_state_ptr | Shared_ptr-like smart pointer type for referencing the shared_state |
CTerminateInternalThread | Exception to be pushed into the queue to signal a termination request for the internal thread of an async continuation |
Cwhen_any_notification_info | |
▼Nexperimental | |
Ctype_erasing_vector | A simple "type erasing" container which works without predefining a list of allowed types and calls a templated functor object or C++14 lambda with auto-type parameter |
Cbarrier | |
Cfinal_act | |
Cfuture_queue | A lockfree multi-producer single-consumer queue of a fixed length which the receiver can wait on in case the queue is empty |
Cfuture_queue_base | Type-independent base class for future_queue which does not depend on the template argument |
CMOVE_DATA | Feature tag for future_queue: use std::move to store and retreive data to/from the queue |
Csemaphore | |
CSWAP_DATA | Feature tag for future_queue: use std::swap to store and retreive data to/from the queue |
Nfix-linter-for-all | |
Nstd | STL namespace |