This is the complete list of members for ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter, including all inherited members.
FixedPointConverter(std::string variableName, unsigned int nBits=32, int fractionalBits=0, bool isSignedFlag=true) | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | explicit |
getFractionalBits() const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |
getNBits() const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |
isSigned() const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |
operator!=(const FixedPointConverter &other) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |
operator==(const FixedPointConverter &other) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |
reconfigure(unsigned int nBits=32, int fractionalBits=0, bool isSignedFlag=true) | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
scalarToCooked(int32_t const &raw) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |
toRaw(UserType cookedValue) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
toRaw(Boolean cookedValue) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
toRaw(__attribute__((unused)) Void cookedValue) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
toRaw(std::string cookedValue) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
toRaw(Boolean cookedValue) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
toRaw(__attribute__((unused)) Void cookedValue) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | |
vectorToCooked(const RAW_ITERATOR &raw_begin, const RAW_ITERATOR &raw_end, const COOKED_ITERATOR &cooked_begin) const | ChimeraTK::FixedPointConverter | inline |