This library provides a ChimeraTK-DeviceAccess backend, which brings support for the DOOCS control system middleware client protocol.
Note: This doucmentation is still incomplete.
- Read-write access to payload data of many DOOCS data types (see Supported Data Types)
- Attached time stamp will be preserved and can be accessed through the VersionNumber
- A 1-to-1 relationship between DOOCS's event ids and the version information used in ChimeraTK. If the event id matches, the VersionNumber will match as well.
- Applications are DOOCS property aware at startup (by using the optional cache file mechanism).
- Access to DOOCS property meta-information such as the attached event id (macropulse number) or data timestamps
Data meta information
Accces to meta meta can be done using "virtual" variables. To access the meta-data, the property name is extended with the requested meta infomation. Supported extensions are:
- /eventId can be used to access the macropulse number
- /timeStamp can be used to access the time stamp of the data (in seconds since 1970)
For example to access the macropulse number of the RAW BAM arrival data, could be done with: XFEL.SDIAG/BAM/47.I1/LOW_CHARGE_ARRIVAL_TIME/eventId