►CA | |
CChimeraTK::Model::CombinedSearchConfig< A, B > | |
CChimeraTK::Accessor< UserType > | |
CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ACCESSOR > | Special StatusAccessor - used to avoid code duplication in StatusOutput, StatusPushInput and StatusPollInput |
CChimeraTK::AccessorTypeTag< AccessorType > | |
CChimeraTK::Model::AndSet< FILTER_LHS, FILTER_RHS > | |
CChimeraTK::AnyType | Pseudo type to identify nodes which can have arbitrary types |
►CApplicationBase | |
►CChimeraTK::Application | |
CArrayApplicationModuleTestApp | |
CArrayVariableGroupTestApp | |
CArrayVariableGroupTestAppForMove | |
CDummyApplication | |
CExampleApp | [Snippet: Class Definition Start] |
CScalarApplicationModuleTestApp | |
CScalarVariableGroupTestApp | |
CScalarVariableGroupTestAppForMove | |
CTests::testApplication::TestApp | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::TestApplication | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::TestApplication2 | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::ConstantTestApplication< T > | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::TestApplication< T > | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::TestAppSelfUnregisteringModule | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::FunnelApplication | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::InitTestApplication | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::TestApplication | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::TestApplication2 | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::TestApplicationShutdownIssue | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::TestApplication1 | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::TestApplication2 | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestApplication | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestApplicationInvalidConfig | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestApplicationNoConfigs | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestApplicationTwoConfigs | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestApplicationWithDevice | |
CTests::testControlSystemAccessors::TestApplication< T > | |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TestApplication1< ModuleT > | |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TestApplication16 | App with two chained modules, for testDataValidity_1_6 |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TestApplication3 | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::TestApplication | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::TestApplication3 | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::TestApplication4 | |
CTests::testDeviceExceptionFlagPropagation::TestApplication | |
CTests::testDeviceInitialisationHandler::TestApplication | |
CTests::testFanoutConnections::TestApplication1 | |
CTests::testHierarchyModifyingGroup::TestApplication | |
CTests::testHierarchyModifyingGroup::TestApplicationEmpty | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionApp | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionApp2 | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::TestApplication1 | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::TestApplication3< T > | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::TestApplication4 | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::TestApplication5< T > | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::TestApplication6< T > | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ConstantD10DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ConstantTestApplication< INPUT_TYPE > | |
CTests::testInitialValues::PollDummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ProcessArryDummyApplication< INPUT_TYPE > | |
CTests::testInitialValues::PushD9DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::PushDummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A1DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A2DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A3DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A4DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6BDummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6CDummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test7DummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::TestDummyApplication | |
CTests::testInitialValues::TriggerFanOutD9DummyApplication | |
CTests::testModules::AssignModuleLaterApp | |
CTests::testModules::MultiSlashModule | |
CTests::testModules::MultiSlashVarModule | |
CTests::testModules::OneModuleApp | |
CTests::testModules::OnlySlashModuleName | |
CTests::testModules::OnlySlashNameArrayApp | |
CTests::testModules::SlashApp | |
CTests::testModules::VariableSlashArrayApp | |
CTests::testModules::VariableSlashScalarApp | |
CTests::testModules::VectorOfEverythingApp | |
CTests::testModules::VectorOfModulesApp | |
CTests::testOptimiseUnmappedVariables::TestApp | |
CTests::testPeriodicTrigger::TestApplication | |
CTests::testProcessVariableRecovery::ReadOnlyTestApplication | |
CTests::testProcessVariableRecovery::TestApplication | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestApplication1 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestApplication2 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestApplication3 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestApplication4 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestApplication5 | |
CTests::testPython::TestApp | |
CTests::testPython::TestAppReadAny | |
CTests::testPython::TestAppVersionNumber | |
CTests::testScriptedInitialisationHandler::TestApp | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplication | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplication2Levels | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplicationAggregatorTags | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplicationMessage | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplicationTags | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestPrioApplication | |
CTests::testStatusMonitor::TestApplication< T > | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestBlockingReadApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestChaniedModulesApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestConvenienceReadApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestDeviceApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestInitialApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestNoDecoratorApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestPollingApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestPollingThroughFanOutsApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestReadAnyApplication | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::TestWithTriggerApplication | |
CTests::testTestFaciliy2::TestApp | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestApp1 | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestApp2 | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestApp3 | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestApp4 | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestApp5 | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestApplication | |
CTests::testVariableGroup::TestApplication | |
CTests::testVersionpropagation::TheTestApplication | |
►CApplicationModule | |
CtestPythonApplicationModule.MyMod | |
CtestPythonApplicationModule.SecondMod | |
CtestPythonDataConsistencyGroup.Receiver | |
CtestPythonDataConsistencyGroup.Sender | |
CtestPythonReadAnyGroup.ReadAnyGroupMod1 | |
CtestPythonScalarAccessors.MyMod | |
CtestPythonVariableGroup.MyMod | |
CtestPythonVersionNumber.TestRunner | |
CtestPythonWithArray.MyMod | |
CtestPythonWithArray.MySecondMod | |
CuserAppModules.SetpointRamp | |
►CApplicationModule | |
CtestPythonSimpleApp.MyMod | |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::ApplicationModuleProperties | |
CChimeraTK::ConfigReader::Array< T > | Class holding the values and the accessor for one configuration array |
CChimeraTK::Array | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayFunctorFill | Functor to fill variableMap for arrays |
►CB | |
CChimeraTK::Model::CombinedSearchConfig< A, B > | |
►CBASE | |
CChimeraTK::Model::detail::VisitorHelper< BASE, VISITOR, FILTER, RETURN_FIRST_HIT > | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::CircularAppTestFixcture< APP_TYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::ConfigParser | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ConstantD10InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CChimeraTK::ConsumingFanOut< UserType > | FanOut implementation which acts as a read-only (i.e |
CTests::testInitialValues::D9InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::DeviceModuleProperties | |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::DirectoryProperties | |
►CDummyBackend | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestTransferGroupDummy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::EdgeProperties | Information to be stored with each edge |
CTests::testVersionpropagation::EmptyFixture | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
CChimeraTK::Model::Impl | Implementation class for the model |
►CChimeraTK::EntityOwner | Base class for owners of other EntityOwners (e.g |
►CChimeraTK::InternalModule | Base class for internal modules which are created by the variable connection code (e.g |
►CChimeraTK::ThreadedFanOut< UserType > | FanOut implementation with an internal thread which waits for new data which is read from the given feeding implementation and distributed to any number of slaves |
CChimeraTK::ThreadedFanOutWithReturn< UserType > | Same as ThreadedFanOut but with return channel |
CChimeraTK::TriggerFanOut | InternalModule which waits for a trigger, then reads a number of variables and distributes each of them to any number of slaves |
►CChimeraTK::Module | Base class for ApplicationModule and DeviceModule, to have a common interface for these module types |
►CChimeraTK::ModuleGroup | |
CChimeraTK::Application | |
CChimeraTK::DeviceModule | |
CChimeraTK::EventMessageAggregator | Module to aggregate messages from AggregatableMessage outputs |
CChimeraTK::PyModuleGroup | |
CDummyApplication::Group1 | |
CDummyApplication::Group2 | |
CDummyApplication::Group3 | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::TestModuleGroup | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::Deeper2 | |
CTests::testModules::VectorModuleGroup | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplication2Levels::OuterGroup | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplication::OuterGroup | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplication::OuterGroup::InnerGroup | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplicationAggregatorTags::OuterGroup | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplicationMessage::OuterGroup | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::TestApplicationTags::OuterGroup | |
►CChimeraTK::VariableGroup | |
CArrayVariableGroup | |
►CChimeraTK::ApplicationModule | |
CArrayInputModule | |
CArrayOutputModule | |
CAverageCurrent | [Snippet: Class Definition] |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPipe< Type > | Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it |
CChimeraTK::ConfigReader | Generic module to read an XML config file and provide the defined values as constant variables |
CChimeraTK::ConstMultiplier< InputType, OutputType, NELEMS > | |
CChimeraTK::DataLossCounter< TRIGGERTYPE > | Module which gathers statistics on data loss inside the application |
CChimeraTK::DeviceManager | Implements access to a ChimeraTK::Device |
CChimeraTK::Divider< InputType, OutputType, NELEMS > | |
CChimeraTK::InvalidityTracer | |
►CChimeraTK::LimitValueModuleBase< UserType > | |
CChimeraTK::FixedLimitValue< UserType, min, max > | |
CChimeraTK::LimitValue< UserType > | |
►CChimeraTK::MonitorBase | |
CChimeraTK::ExactMonitor< T > | Module for status monitoring of an exact value |
CChimeraTK::MaxMonitor< T > | Module for status monitoring depending on a maximum threshold value |
CChimeraTK::MinMonitor< T > | Module for status monitoring depending on a minimum threshold value |
CChimeraTK::RangeMonitor< T > | Module for status monitoring depending on range of threshold values |
CChimeraTK::RangeMonitor< double > | |
CChimeraTK::Multiplier< InputType, OutputType, NELEMS > | |
CChimeraTK::PeriodicTrigger | Simple periodic trigger that fires a variable once per second |
►CChimeraTK::PyApplicationModule | |
CChimeraTK::PythonApplicationModuleTrampoline | |
CChimeraTK::ReadSplitArrayModule< TYPE > | Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup elements |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPipe< Type > | Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it |
CChimeraTK::ScriptedInitHandler | Initialisation handler which calls an external application (usually a script), captures its output (both stdout and stderr) and publishes it in a control system variable |
CChimeraTK::StatusAggregator | The StatusAggregator collects results of multiple StatusMonitor instances and aggregates them into a single status, which can take the same values as the result of the individual monitors |
CChimeraTK::VersionInfoProvider | This module can be added to applications to provide version information from the CMakeLists.txt file in a standardized manner |
CChimeraTK::WriteSplitArrayModule< TYPE > | Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup elements |
CChimeraTK::ConstMultiplier< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ConstMultiplier< uint16_t, uint16_t, 120 > | |
CController | [Snippet: Class Definition] |
CTests::testInitialValues::InputModule< ChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< int > > | |
CTests::testInitialValues::InputModule< ChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< int > > | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::TestApplication2::Module< ChimeraTK::ScalarOutputPushRB< int > > | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::TestApplication2::Module< ChimeraTK::ScalarPushInputWB< int > > | |
COutputModule | |
CPollModule | |
CPushModule | |
CPushModuleForFanOut | |
CPushModuleForTrigger | |
CScalarInputModule | |
CScalarOutputModule | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPipe< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPipe< std::string > | |
CSetpointRamp | |
CSimulationModule | Example to simulate the working and usage of StatusMonitor |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::MyModule | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::RogueModule | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::TestModule | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::ConstantTestModule< T > | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::SelfUnregisteringModule | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::TestModuleConsume< T > | |
CTests::testAppModuleConnections::TestModuleFeed< T > | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleA | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleB | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleC | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleD | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleFunnel | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleX | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::ModuleY | |
CTests::testBidirectionalVariables::TestApplication2::Module< ACCESSOR > | |
►CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::TestModuleBase | The base module has the inputs and outputs for the circular dependency |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::ModuleA | ModuleA has two additional inputs to get invalidity flags. It is reading all inputs with ReadAny |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::ModuleC | ModuleC has a trigger together with a readAll |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::ModuleD | Involve the DeviceModule. Here are some variables from a test device |
►CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::TestModuleBase2 | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::AA | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::BB | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::CC | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::DD | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::EE | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::FF | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::GG | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::HH | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestModule | |
CTests::testControlSystemAccessors::TestModule< T > | |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TestModule0 | |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TestModule1 | |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TestModule2 | |
CTests::testDataValidityPropagation::TriggerModule | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::Deeper | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::Deeper2::Hierarchies | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::TestModule | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::TestModule2 | |
CTests::testDeviceExceptionFlagPropagation::TestApplication::Module | |
CTests::testDeviceExceptionFlagPropagation::TestApplication::Name | |
CTests::testFanoutConnections::TestModule1 | |
CTests::testHierarchyModifyingGroup::TestApplication::TestModule | |
CTests::testHierarchyModifyingGroup::TestApplicationEmpty::TestModule | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionModule | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionModuleWithIntermediateGroup | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ConstantModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::InputModule< INPUT_TYPE > | |
►CTests::testInitialValues::NotifyingModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::PollModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ReaderModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::PushModuleD91 | |
CTests::testInitialValues::PushModuleD92 | |
CTests::testInitialValues::ScalarOutputModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::TestModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::TriggerModule | |
CTests::testInitialValues::WriterModule | |
CTests::testModules::MultiSlashModule::SomeModule | |
CTests::testModules::MultiSlashVarModule::SomeModule | |
CTests::testModules::OnlySlashModuleName::SomeModule | |
CTests::testModules::OnlySlashNameArrayApp::SomeModule | |
CTests::testModules::SlashModule | |
CTests::testModules::TestModule | |
CTests::testModules::VariableSlashArrayApp::SomeModule | |
CTests::testModules::VariableSlashScalarApp::SomeModule | |
CTests::testModules::VectorModule | |
CTests::testPeriodicTrigger::TestModule | |
CTests::testProcessVariableRecovery::ReadOnlyTestApplication::TestModule | |
CTests::testProcessVariableRecovery::TestModule | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::Module1 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::Module2 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::Module3 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestModule1 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestModule2 | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::TestModule3 | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::StatusGenerator | |
CTests::testStatusAggregator::StatusWithMessageGenerator | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::BlockingReadTestModule | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::PollingReadModule | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::PollingThroughFanoutsModule | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::ReadAnyTestModule | |
CTests::testTestFaciliy2::MyModule | |
CTests::testTrigger::TestModule | |
►CTests::testUserInputValidator::ModuleA | |
CTests::testUserInputValidator::ModuleAwithSecondInput | |
CTests::testUserInputValidator::UpstreamSingleOut | |
CTests::testUserInputValidator::UpstreamTwinOut | |
CTests::testVariableGroup::InputModule | |
CTests::testVariableGroup::OutputModule | |
CTests::testVersionpropagation::TheOutputModule | |
CTests::testVersionpropagation::ThePushModule | |
CChimeraTK::DataLossCounter< TRIGGERTYPE >::TriggerGroup_compat | |
CChimeraTK::ModuleTree | |
CChimeraTK::PyVariableGroup | |
CChimeraTK::StatusWithMessage | A VariableGroup for error status and message reporting |
CChimeraTK::StatusWithMessageInput | This is for consistent readout of StatusWithMessage - ApplicationCore version |
CScalarVariableGroup | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::MyModule::PointlessVariableGroup | |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::TestModule::Need | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::BB::OutputGroup2 | |
CTests::testCircularDependencyFaultyFlags::CC::OutputGroup2 | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestModule::Module1 | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestModule::Module1::SubModule | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestModule::Module1::SubModule::SubSubModule | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestModule::Module2 | |
CTests::testConfigReader::TestModule::Module2::AnotherSubModule | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::Deeper2::Hierarchies::Need | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::Deeper::Hierarchies | |
CTests::testDeviceAccessors::Deeper::Hierarchies::Need | |
CTests::testDeviceExceptionFlagPropagation::TestApplication::Module::Vars | |
CTests::testDeviceExceptionFlagPropagation::TestApplication::Name::Name2 | |
CTests::testHierarchyModifyingGroup::TestApplication::TestModule::ExtraHierarchy | |
CTests::testHierarchyModifyingGroup::TestGroup | This test checks use of relative paths in modules at the example of a VariableGroup |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionModuleWithIntermediateGroup::A | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionModuleWithIntermediateGroup::A::B | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionModuleWithIntermediateGroup::A::B::C | |
CTests::testIllegalNetworks::CircularConnectionModuleWithIntermediateGroup::A::B::C::D | |
CTests::testModules::SlashModule::AnotherGroup | |
CTests::testModules::SomeGroup | |
CTests::testModules::TestModule::AnotherGroup | |
CTests::testModules::VectorModule::AnotherGroup | |
CTests::testTestFacilities::ReadAnyTestModule::Inputs | |
CTests::testVariableGroup::InputModule::MixedGroup | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
CChimeraTK::Model::detail::VisitorHelper< BASE, VISITOR, FILTER, RETURN_FIRST_HIT >::StopException | |
►CChimeraTK::FanOut< UserType > | Base class for several implementations which distribute values from one feeder to multiple consumers |
CChimeraTK::FeedingFanOut< UserType > | NDRegisterAccessor implementation which distributes values written to this accessor out to any number of slaves |
CChimeraTK::ThreadedFanOut< UserType > | FanOut implementation with an internal thread which waits for new data which is read from the given feeding implementation and distributed to any number of slaves |
CChimeraTK::FanOutBase | Type independent base |
CChimeraTK::Model::OrSet< FILTER_LHS, FILTER_RHS > | |
CChimeraTK::Model::OrSet< FILTER_LHS, FILTER_RHS > | |
CTests::testScriptedInitialisationHandler::Fixture | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::FixtureNoTestableMode | |
CTests::testPropagateDataFaultFlag::FixtureTestFacility | |
CFixtureWithPollAndPushInput< enableTestFacility, addInitHandlers, breakSecondDeviceAtStart > | |
CChimeraTK::FunctorFill | Functor to fill variableMap |
CChimeraTK::FunctorGetTypeForName | |
CChimeraTK::FunctorSetValues | Functor to set values to the scalar accessors |
CChimeraTK::FunctorSetValuesArray | Functor to set values to the array accessors |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::InvalidProperties | |
CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< Derived > | Adds features required for inversion of control to an accessor |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< double > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< double > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< InputType > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< InputType > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< InputType > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< InputType > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< int > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< int > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< int32_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< int32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< int32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< int32_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< int64_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< int64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< int64_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< std::string > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< std::string > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< std::string > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< T > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPollInput< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< T > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< TYPE > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< TYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< TYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< TYPE > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< Type > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< Type > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< Type > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< Type > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< uint16_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< uint16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< uint16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< uint16_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ArrayAccessor< UserType > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< UserType > | Accessor for array variables (i.e |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutput< UserType > | Convenience class for output array accessors (always UpdateMode::push) |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutputPushRB< UserType > | Convenience class for output array accessors with return channel ("read
back") (always UpdateMode::push) |
CChimeraTK::ArrayOutputRB< UserType > | Deprecated, do not use |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPollInput< UserType > | Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::poll |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInput< UserType > | Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::push |
CChimeraTK::ArrayPushInputWB< UserType > | Convenience class for input array accessors with return channel ("write
back") and UpdateMode::push |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< ChimeraTK::Boolean > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< ChimeraTK::Boolean > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< ChimeraTK::Boolean > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< double > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutputPushRB< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInputWB< double > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< float > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< float > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< float > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< float > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< float > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< int > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutputPushRB< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInputWB< int > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< int16_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< int16_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< int32_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int32_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< int32_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ScalarOutput< int32_t > > | |
CChimeraTK::StatusOutput | Special ScalarOutput which represents a status which can be aggregated by the StatusAggregator |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< int32_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ScalarPollInput< int32_t > > | |
CChimeraTK::StatusPollInput | Special StatusPollInput which reads from a StatusOutput and also handles the type conversion |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< int32_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ScalarPushInput< int32_t > > | |
CChimeraTK::StatusPushInput | Special StatusPushInput which reads from a StatusOutput and also handles the type conversion |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< int64_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< int64_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< int8_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int8_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< int8_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< std::string > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< std::string > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< std::string > | |
CChimeraTK::AggregatableMessage | Specialised ScalarOutput for sending event messages which can be aggregated by the EventMessageAggregator |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< std::string > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< std::string > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< T > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< T > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< TRIGGERTYPE > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< TRIGGERTYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< TRIGGERTYPE > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< Type > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< Type > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< Type > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< Type > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< uint16_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< uint16_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< uint32_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< uint32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< uint32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< uint32_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< uint64_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< uint64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< uint64_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< uint8_t > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint8_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< uint8_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< ScalarAccessor< UserType > > | |
►CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< UserType > | Accessor for scalar variables (i.e |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutput< UserType > | Convenience class for output scalar accessors (always UpdateMode::push) |
CChimeraTK::ScalarOutputPushRB< UserType > | Convenience class for output scalar accessors with return channel ("read back") (always UpdateMode::push) |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPollInput< UserType > | Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::poll |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInput< UserType > | Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::push |
CChimeraTK::ScalarPushInputWB< UserType > | Convenience class for input scalar accessors with return channel ("write back") and UpdateMode::push |
►CChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< VoidAccessor > | |
►CChimeraTK::VoidAccessor | Accessor for void variables (i.e |
CChimeraTK::VoidInput | Convenience class for input accessors |
CChimeraTK::VoidOutput | Convenience class for output void (always UpdateMode::push) |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::ostream | STL class |
CChimeraTK::Logger::StreamProxy | Proxy for output stream, handed out to the log sources by the Logger::Module |
CTests::testApplicationPVModel::Item | |
CChimeraTK::Logger | |
►CChimeraTK::MetaDataPropagationFlagProvider | A mix-in helper class so you can set the flags without knowing the user data type |
CChimeraTK::MetaDataPropagatingRegisterDecorator< T > | NDRegisterAccessorDecorator which propagates meta data attached to input process variables through the owning ApplicationModule |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::ModuleGroupProperties | |
►CNDRegisterAccessor | |
CChimeraTK::ConstantAccessor< UserType > | Implementation of the NDRegisterAccessor which delivers always the same value and ignors any write operations |
CChimeraTK::FeedingFanOut< UserType > | NDRegisterAccessor implementation which distributes values written to this accessor out to any number of slaves |
►CNDRegisterAccessorDecorator | |
CChimeraTK::DebugPrintAccessorDecorator< UserType > | Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the application |
CChimeraTK::ExceptionHandlingDecorator< UserType > | Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the application |
CChimeraTK::MetaDataPropagatingRegisterDecorator< T > | NDRegisterAccessorDecorator which propagates meta data attached to input process variables through the owning ApplicationModule |
CChimeraTK::NetworkVisitor::NetworkInformation | |
►CChimeraTK::NetworkVisitor | |
CChimeraTK::ConnectionMaker | |
CChimeraTK::XMLGenerator | Generate XML representation of variables |
CChimeraTK::Model::NonOwningProxy< ProxyType > | Proxy class which does not keep the ownership of the model |
CChimeraTK::Model::NonOwningProxy< ChimeraTK::Model::ProcessVariableProxy > | |
►COneDRegisterAccessor | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< InputType > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< int32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< int64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< std::string > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< TYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< Type > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< uint16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor< UserType > | Accessor for array variables (i.e |
CChimeraTK::NetworkVisitor::ProcessVariableComperator | Helper predicate to put ProcessVariableProxies into std::set |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::ProcessVariableProperties | |
CChimeraTK::Model::PropertyFilterTag< PROPERTIES > | |
►CChimeraTK::Model::PropertyFilterTag< EdgeProperties > | |
CChimeraTK::Model::EdgeFilter< FILTER > | |
►CChimeraTK::Model::PropertyFilterTag< VertexProperties > | |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexFilter< FILTER > | |
►CChimeraTK::Model::Proxy | Base class for the proxies representing objects in the model |
CChimeraTK::Model::ApplicationModuleProxy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::DeviceModuleProxy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::DirectoryProxy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::ModuleGroupProxy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::ProcessVariableProxy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::RootProxy | Proxy representing the root of the application model |
CChimeraTK::Model::VariableGroupProxy | |
CChimeraTK::Model::Proxy::ProxyData | The data holding struct for the proxy classes |
►CChimeraTK::PushableStream | A helper class to replace the output stream temporarily |
CChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor | The VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor class |
CChimeraTK::PyApplicationCoreUnload | |
CChimeraTK::PyConfigReader | |
CChimeraTK::PyDataConsistencyGroup | |
CChimeraTK::PyLogger | |
CChimeraTK::PyLoggerStreamProxy | PyLoggerStreamProxy |
►CChimeraTK::PyOwnedObject | Base class used for all objects in the Python world which can be owned by another object |
CChimeraTK::PyArrayAccessor | Helper class acting as a ArrayAccessor with a variant UserType |
►CChimeraTK::PyOwningObject | Base class used for all objects in the Python world which can own other objects and can be owned themselves by one other object |
CChimeraTK::PyApplicationModule | |
CChimeraTK::PyModuleGroup | |
CChimeraTK::PyVariableGroup | |
CChimeraTK::PyScalarAccessor | |
CChimeraTK::PyReadAnyGroup | |
CChimeraTK::PythonModuleManager | This class loads and unloads the Python modules as specified in the ConfigReader XML file, and creates the Python interpreter instance if necessary |
►CChimeraTK::PyTransferElementBase | |
CChimeraTK::PyTransferElement< DerivedAccessor > | |
►CChimeraTK::PyTransferElement< PyArrayAccessor > | |
CChimeraTK::PyArrayAccessor | Helper class acting as a ArrayAccessor with a variant UserType |
►CChimeraTK::PyTransferElement< PyScalarAccessor > | |
CChimeraTK::PyScalarAccessor | |
CChimeraTK::RecoveryHelper | A Helper struct to store an accessor and a version number |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::RootProperties | This is used to allow default construction of the std::variant |
►CScalarRegisterAccessor | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< UserType > | Accessor for scalar variables (i.e |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< ChimeraTK::Boolean > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< double > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< float > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< int8_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< std::string > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< T > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< TRIGGERTYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< Type > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint16_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint32_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint64_t > | |
CChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor< uint8_t > | |
►CChimeraTK::Model::SearchOption | Do not use these class definitions, instead use the static instances below |
CChimeraTK::Model::ContinueSearchDisjunctTrees | |
►CChimeraTK::Model::ReturnFirstHit | |
CChimeraTK::Model::ReturnFirstHitWithValue< T > | |
CChimeraTK::Model::VisitOrder | |
►CChimeraTK::Model::SearchType | Do not use these class definitions, instead use the static instances below |
CChimeraTK::Model::AdjacentInSearch | |
CChimeraTK::Model::AdjacentOutSearch | |
CChimeraTK::Model::AdjacentSearch | |
CChimeraTK::Model::BreadthFirstSearch | |
CChimeraTK::Model::DepthFirstSearch | |
CChimeraTK::Model::SearchTypeHolder< SEARCH_TYPE > | |
CChimeraTK::SetDMapFilePath | Helper class to set the DMAP file path |
►CStatusAccessorBase | |
CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ACCESSOR > | Special StatusAccessor - used to avoid code duplication in StatusOutput, StatusPushInput and StatusPollInput |
CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ScalarOutput< int32_t > > | |
CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ScalarPollInput< int32_t > > | |
CChimeraTK::StatusAccessor< ScalarPushInput< int32_t > > | |
►CStatusWithMessageReaderBase | |
CChimeraTK::StatusWithMessageInput | This is for consistent readout of StatusWithMessage - ApplicationCore version |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A1InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A2InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A3InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6A4InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6BInitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTests::testInitialValues::Test6CInitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CChimeraTK::TestFacility | Helper class to facilitate tests of applications based on ApplicationCore |
CTests::testInitialValues::TestFixtureWithEceptionDummy< APPLICATION_TYPE > | |
CTests::testInitialValues::TestInitialValueExceptionDummy | |
CTests::testInitialValues::TriggerFanOutInitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CChimeraTK::UserInputValidator | Class to realise the validation of user input values |
CChimeraTK::UserInputValidator::Validator | |
CChimeraTK::Model::detail::ValueHolder< T > | Helper to hold values of an arbitrary type including void (in which case no value is held, but no error occurs) |
CChimeraTK::Model::detail::ValueHolder< detail::VisitorReturnType< VISITOR, FILTER > > | |
CChimeraTK::Model::detail::ValueHolder< void > | |
CChimeraTK::ConfigReader::Var< T > | Class holding the value and the accessor for one configuration variable |
CChimeraTK::Variable | |
►CChimeraTK::UserInputValidator::VariableBase | |
CChimeraTK::UserInputValidator::Variable< UserType, Accessor > | |
CChimeraTK::VariableDirection | Struct to define the direction of variables |
►CVariableGroup | |
CtestPythonVariableGroup.MyMod.VG2 | |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties::VariableGroupProperties | |
CChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode | Class describing a node of a variable network |
CChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode_data | We use a pimpl pattern so copied instances of VariableNetworkNode refer to the same instance of the data structure and thus stay consistent all the time |
CChimeraTK::Model::VertexProperties | Information to be stored with each vertex |
CChimeraTK::Visitor< Types > | |
►CChimeraTK::Visitor< T > | |
CChimeraTK::Visitor< T, Types... > | |
►CChimeraTK::Visitor< Types... > | |
CChimeraTK::Visitor< T, Types... > | |
►CChimeraTK::Visitor< VariableNetworkNode > | |
CChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor | The VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor class |
►CVoidRegisterAccessor | |
CChimeraTK::VoidAccessor | Accessor for void variables (i.e |