ChimeraTK-ApplicationCore  04.01.00
Todo List
Class ChimeraTK::ArrayPipe< Type >
Make it more efficient by removing this module entirely in the ApplicationCore connection logic!
Member ChimeraTK::EntityOwner::_testableModeReached
This should be moved to a more proper place in the hierarchy (e.g. ModuleImpl) after InternalModule class has been properly unified with the normal Module class.
Member ChimeraTK::FeedingFanOut< UserType >::getHardwareAccessingElements () override
implement properly?
Member ChimeraTK::FeedingFanOut< UserType >::getInternalElements () override
implement properly?
Member ChimeraTK::FeedingFanOut< UserType >::mayReplaceOther (const boost::shared_ptr< const ChimeraTK::TransferElement > &) const override
implement properly?
Member ChimeraTK::FeedingFanOut< UserType >::replaceTransferElement (boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::TransferElement >) override
implement properly?
Class ChimeraTK::InternalModule
Currently this class is based on EntityOwner somewhat artificially. Instead the InternalModule class needs to be properly unified with the normal Module classes.
Member ChimeraTK::InternalModule::activate ()
: Unify with Module::run()
Member ChimeraTK::InternalModule::deactivate ()
: Unify with Module::terminate()
Member ChimeraTK::InversionOfControlAccessor< Derived >::InversionOfControlAccessor (Module *owner, const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description, const std::type_info *valueType, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &tags={})
FIXME eliminate dynamic_cast and the "lambda trick" by changing owner pointer type
Class ChimeraTK::ScalarPipe< Type >
Make it more efficient by removing this module entirely in the ApplicationCore connection logic!
Member ChimeraTK::TestFacility::runApplication () const
It is not understood why this happens! Decorated accessors are stored in different maps for scalars are arrays...
Member ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode::addTag (const std::string &tag) const
enforce this!