►NChimeraTK | InvalidityTracer application module |
►NModel | |
►Ndetail | |
CValueHolder | Helper to hold values of an arbitrary type including void (in which case no value is held, but no error occurs) |
CValueHolder< void > | |
►CVisitorHelper | |
CStopException | |
CAdjacentInSearch | |
CAdjacentOutSearch | |
CAdjacentSearch | |
CAndSet | |
CApplicationModuleProxy | |
CBreadthFirstSearch | |
CCombinedSearchConfig | |
CContinueSearchDisjunctTrees | |
CDepthFirstSearch | |
CDeviceModuleProxy | |
CDirectoryProxy | |
CEdgeFilter | |
CEdgeProperties | Information to be stored with each edge |
CImpl | Implementation class for the model |
CModuleGroupProxy | |
CNonOwningProxy | Proxy class which does not keep the ownership of the model |
COrSet | |
CProcessVariableProxy | |
CPropertyFilterTag | |
►CProxy | Base class for the proxies representing objects in the model |
CProxyData | The data holding struct for the proxy classes |
CReturnFirstHit | |
CReturnFirstHitWithValue | |
CRootProxy | Proxy representing the root of the application model |
CSearchOption | Do not use these class definitions, instead use the static instances below |
CSearchType | Do not use these class definitions, instead use the static instances below |
CSearchTypeHolder | |
CVariableGroupProxy | |
CVertexFilter | |
►CVertexProperties | Information to be stored with each vertex |
CApplicationModuleProperties | |
CDeviceModuleProperties | |
CDirectoryProperties | |
CInvalidProperties | |
CModuleGroupProperties | |
CProcessVariableProperties | |
CRootProperties | This is used to allow default construction of the std::variant |
CVariableGroupProperties | |
CVisitOrder | |
CAccessor | |
CAccessorTypeTag | |
CAggregatableMessage | Specialised ScalarOutput for sending event messages which can be aggregated by the EventMessageAggregator |
CAnyType | Pseudo type to identify nodes which can have arbitrary types |
CApplication | |
CApplicationModule | |
CArray | |
CArrayAccessor | Accessor for array variables (i.e |
CArrayFunctorFill | Functor to fill variableMap for arrays |
CArrayOutput | Convenience class for output array accessors (always UpdateMode::push) |
CArrayOutputPushRB | Convenience class for output array accessors with return channel ("read
back") (always UpdateMode::push) |
CArrayOutputRB | Deprecated, do not use |
CArrayPipe | Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it |
CArrayPollInput | Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::poll |
CArrayPushInput | Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::push |
CArrayPushInputWB | Convenience class for input array accessors with return channel ("write
back") and UpdateMode::push |
CConfigParser | |
►CConfigReader | Generic module to read an XML config file and provide the defined values as constant variables |
CArray | Class holding the values and the accessor for one configuration array |
CVar | Class holding the value and the accessor for one configuration variable |
CConnectionMaker | |
CConstantAccessor | Implementation of the NDRegisterAccessor which delivers always the same value and ignors any write operations |
CConstMultiplier | |
CConsumingFanOut | FanOut implementation which acts as a read-only (i.e |
►CDataLossCounter | Module which gathers statistics on data loss inside the application |
CTriggerGroup_compat | |
CDebugPrintAccessorDecorator | Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the application |
CDeviceManager | Implements access to a ChimeraTK::Device |
CDeviceModule | |
CDivider | |
CEntityOwner | Base class for owners of other EntityOwners (e.g |
CEventMessageAggregator | Module to aggregate messages from AggregatableMessage outputs |
CExactMonitor | Module for status monitoring of an exact value |
CExceptionHandlingDecorator | Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the application |
CFanOut | Base class for several implementations which distribute values from one feeder to multiple consumers |
CFanOutBase | Type independent base |
CFeedingFanOut | NDRegisterAccessor implementation which distributes values written to this accessor out to any number of slaves |
CFixedLimitValue | |
CFunctorFill | Functor to fill variableMap |
CFunctorGetTypeForName | |
CFunctorSetValues | Functor to set values to the scalar accessors |
CFunctorSetValuesArray | Functor to set values to the array accessors |
CInternalModule | Base class for internal modules which are created by the variable connection code (e.g |
CInvalidityTracer | |
CInversionOfControlAccessor | Adds features required for inversion of control to an accessor |
CLimitValue | |
CLimitValueModuleBase | |
►CLogger | |
CStreamProxy | Proxy for output stream, handed out to the log sources by the Logger::Module |
CMaxMonitor | Module for status monitoring depending on a maximum threshold value |
CMetaDataPropagatingRegisterDecorator | NDRegisterAccessorDecorator which propagates meta data attached to input process variables through the owning ApplicationModule |
CMetaDataPropagationFlagProvider | A mix-in helper class so you can set the flags without knowing the user data type |
CMinMonitor | Module for status monitoring depending on a minimum threshold value |
CModule | Base class for ApplicationModule and DeviceModule, to have a common interface for these module types |
CModuleGroup | |
CModuleTree | |
CMonitorBase | |
CMultiplier | |
►CNetworkVisitor | |
CNetworkInformation | |
CProcessVariableComperator | Helper predicate to put ProcessVariableProxies into std::set |
CPeriodicTrigger | Simple periodic trigger that fires a variable once per second |
CPushableStream | A helper class to replace the output stream temporarily |
CPyApplicationCoreUnload | |
CPyApplicationModule | |
CPyArrayAccessor | Helper class acting as a ArrayAccessor with a variant UserType |
CPyConfigReader | |
CPyDataConsistencyGroup | |
CPyLogger | |
CPyLoggerStreamProxy | PyLoggerStreamProxy |
CPyModuleGroup | |
CPyOwnedObject | Base class used for all objects in the Python world which can be owned by another object |
CPyOwningObject | Base class used for all objects in the Python world which can own other objects and can be owned themselves by one other object |
CPyReadAnyGroup | |
CPyScalarAccessor | |
CPythonApplicationModuleTrampoline | |
CPythonModuleManager | This class loads and unloads the Python modules as specified in the ConfigReader XML file, and creates the Python interpreter instance if necessary |
CPyTransferElement | |
CPyTransferElementBase | |
CPyVariableGroup | |
CRangeMonitor | Module for status monitoring depending on range of threshold values |
CReadSplitArrayModule | Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup elements |
CRecoveryHelper | A Helper struct to store an accessor and a version number |
CScalarAccessor | Accessor for scalar variables (i.e |
CScalarOutput | Convenience class for output scalar accessors (always UpdateMode::push) |
CScalarOutputPushRB | Convenience class for output scalar accessors with return channel ("read back") (always UpdateMode::push) |
CScalarPipe | Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it |
CScalarPollInput | Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::poll |
CScalarPushInput | Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::push |
CScalarPushInputWB | Convenience class for input scalar accessors with return channel ("write back") and UpdateMode::push |
CScriptedInitHandler | Initialisation handler which calls an external application (usually a script), captures its output (both stdout and stderr) and publishes it in a control system variable |
CSetDMapFilePath | Helper class to set the DMAP file path |
CStatusAccessor | Special StatusAccessor - used to avoid code duplication in StatusOutput, StatusPushInput and StatusPollInput |
CStatusAggregator | The StatusAggregator collects results of multiple StatusMonitor instances and aggregates them into a single status, which can take the same values as the result of the individual monitors |
CStatusOutput | Special ScalarOutput which represents a status which can be aggregated by the StatusAggregator |
CStatusPollInput | Special StatusPollInput which reads from a StatusOutput and also handles the type conversion |
CStatusPushInput | Special StatusPushInput which reads from a StatusOutput and also handles the type conversion |
CStatusWithMessage | A VariableGroup for error status and message reporting |
CStatusWithMessageInput | This is for consistent readout of StatusWithMessage - ApplicationCore version |
CTestFacility | Helper class to facilitate tests of applications based on ApplicationCore |
CThreadedFanOut | FanOut implementation with an internal thread which waits for new data which is read from the given feeding implementation and distributed to any number of slaves |
CThreadedFanOutWithReturn | Same as ThreadedFanOut but with return channel |
CTriggerFanOut | InternalModule which waits for a trigger, then reads a number of variables and distributes each of them to any number of slaves |
►CUserInputValidator | Class to realise the validation of user input values |
CValidator | |
CVariable | |
CVariableBase | |
CVariable | |
CVariableDirection | Struct to define the direction of variables |
CVariableGroup | |
CVariableNetworkNode | Class describing a node of a variable network |
CVariableNetworkNode_data | We use a pimpl pattern so copied instances of VariableNetworkNode refer to the same instance of the data structure and thus stay consistent all the time |
CVariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor | The VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor class |
CVersionInfoProvider | This module can be added to applications to provide version information from the CMakeLists.txt file in a standardized manner |
CVisitor | |
CVisitor< T > | |
CVisitor< T, Types... > | |
CVoidAccessor | Accessor for void variables (i.e |
CVoidInput | Convenience class for input accessors |
CVoidOutput | Convenience class for output void (always UpdateMode::push) |
CWriteSplitArrayModule | Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup elements |
CXMLGenerator | Generate XML representation of variables |
►NtestPythonApplicationModule | |
CMyMod | |
CSecondMod | |
►NtestPythonDataConsistencyGroup | |
CReceiver | |
CSender | |
►NtestPythonReadAnyGroup | |
CReadAnyGroupMod1 | |
►NtestPythonScalarAccessors | |
CMyMod | |
►NtestPythonSimpleApp | |
CMyMod | |
►NtestPythonVariableGroup | |
►CMyMod | |
CVG2 | |
►NtestPythonVersionNumber | |
CTestRunner | |
►NtestPythonWithArray | |
CMyMod | |
CMySecondMod | |
►NTests | |
►NtestApplication | |
CTestApp | |
►NtestApplicationPVModel | |
CItem | |
►CMyModule | |
CPointlessVariableGroup | |
CRogueModule | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestApplication2 | |
►CTestModule | |
CNeed | |
CTestModuleGroup | |
►NtestAppModuleConnections | |
CConstantTestApplication | |
CConstantTestModule | |
CSelfUnregisteringModule | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestAppSelfUnregisteringModule | |
CTestModuleConsume | |
CTestModuleFeed | |
►NtestBidirectionalVariables | |
CFunnelApplication | |
CInitTestApplication | |
CModuleA | |
CModuleB | |
CModuleC | |
CModuleD | |
CModuleFunnel | |
CModuleX | |
CModuleY | |
CTestApplication | |
►CTestApplication2 | |
CModule | |
CTestApplicationShutdownIssue | |
►NtestCircularDependencyFaultyFlags | |
CAA | |
►CBB | |
COutputGroup2 | |
►CCC | |
COutputGroup2 | |
CCircularAppTestFixcture | |
CDD | |
CEE | |
CFF | |
CGG | |
CHH | |
CModuleA | ModuleA has two additional inputs to get invalidity flags. It is reading all inputs with ReadAny |
CModuleC | ModuleC has a trigger together with a readAll |
CModuleD | Involve the DeviceModule. Here are some variables from a test device |
CTestApplication1 | |
CTestApplication2 | |
CTestModuleBase | The base module has the inputs and outputs for the circular dependency |
CTestModuleBase2 | |
►NtestConfigReader | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestApplicationInvalidConfig | |
CTestApplicationNoConfigs | |
CTestApplicationTwoConfigs | |
CTestApplicationWithDevice | |
►CTestModule | |
►CModule1 | |
►CSubModule | |
CSubSubModule | |
►CModule2 | |
CAnotherSubModule | |
►NtestControlSystemAccessors | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestModule | |
►NtestDataValidityPropagation | |
CTestApplication1 | |
CTestApplication16 | App with two chained modules, for testDataValidity_1_6 |
CTestApplication3 | |
CTestModule0 | |
CTestModule1 | |
CTestModule2 | |
CTriggerModule | |
►NtestDeviceAccessors | |
►CDeeper | |
►CHierarchies | |
CNeed | |
►CDeeper2 | |
►CHierarchies | |
CNeed | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestApplication3 | |
CTestApplication4 | |
CTestModule | |
CTestModule2 | |
►NtestDeviceExceptionFlagPropagation | |
►CTestApplication | |
►CModule | |
CVars | |
►CName | |
CName2 | |
►NtestDeviceInitialisationHandler | |
CTestApplication | |
►NtestFanoutConnections | |
CTestApplication1 | |
CTestModule1 | |
►NtestHierarchyModifyingGroup | |
►CTestApplication | |
►CTestModule | |
CExtraHierarchy | |
►CTestApplicationEmpty | |
CTestModule | |
CTestGroup | This test checks use of relative paths in modules at the example of a VariableGroup |
►NtestIllegalNetworks | |
CCircularConnectionApp | |
CCircularConnectionApp2 | |
CCircularConnectionModule | |
►CCircularConnectionModuleWithIntermediateGroup | |
►CA | |
►CB | |
►CC | |
CD | |
CTestApplication1 | |
CTestApplication3 | |
CTestApplication4 | |
CTestApplication5 | |
CTestApplication6 | |
►NtestInitialValues | |
CConstantD10DummyApplication | |
CConstantD10InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CConstantModule | |
CConstantTestApplication | |
CD9InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CInputModule | |
CNotifyingModule | |
CPollDummyApplication | |
CPollModule | |
CProcessArryDummyApplication | |
CPushD9DummyApplication | |
CPushDummyApplication | |
CPushModuleD91 | |
CPushModuleD92 | |
CReaderModule | |
CScalarOutputModule | |
CTest6A1DummyApplication | |
CTest6A1InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTest6A2DummyApplication | |
CTest6A2InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTest6A3DummyApplication | |
CTest6A3InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTest6A4DummyApplication | |
CTest6A4InitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTest6BDummyApplication | |
CTest6BInitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTest6CDummyApplication | |
CTest6CInitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTest7DummyApplication | |
CTestDummyApplication | |
CTestFixtureWithEceptionDummy | |
CTestInitialValueExceptionDummy | |
CTestModule | |
CTriggerFanOutD9DummyApplication | |
CTriggerFanOutInitialValueEceptionDummy | |
CTriggerModule | |
CWriterModule | |
►NtestModules | |
CAssignModuleLaterApp | |
►CMultiSlashModule | |
CSomeModule | |
►CMultiSlashVarModule | |
CSomeModule | |
COneModuleApp | |
►COnlySlashModuleName | |
CSomeModule | |
►COnlySlashNameArrayApp | |
CSomeModule | |
CSlashApp | |
►CSlashModule | |
CAnotherGroup | |
CSomeGroup | |
►CTestModule | |
CAnotherGroup | |
►CVariableSlashArrayApp | |
CSomeModule | |
►CVariableSlashScalarApp | |
CSomeModule | |
►CVectorModule | |
CAnotherGroup | |
CVectorModuleGroup | |
CVectorOfEverythingApp | |
CVectorOfModulesApp | |
►NtestOptimiseUnmappedVariables | |
CTestApp | |
►NtestPeriodicTrigger | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestModule | |
►NtestProcessVariableRecovery | |
►CReadOnlyTestApplication | |
CTestModule | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestModule | |
►NtestPropagateDataFaultFlag | |
CFixtureNoTestableMode | |
CFixtureTestFacility | |
CModule1 | |
CModule2 | |
CModule3 | |
CTestApplication1 | |
CTestApplication2 | |
CTestApplication3 | |
CTestApplication4 | |
CTestApplication5 | |
CTestModule1 | |
CTestModule2 | |
CTestModule3 | |
►NtestPython | |
CTestApp | |
CTestAppReadAny | |
CTestAppVersionNumber | |
►NtestScriptedInitialisationHandler | |
CFixture | |
CTestApp | |
►NtestStatusAggregator | |
CStatusGenerator | |
CStatusWithMessageGenerator | |
►CTestApplication | |
►COuterGroup | |
CInnerGroup | |
►CTestApplication2Levels | |
COuterGroup | |
►CTestApplicationAggregatorTags | |
COuterGroup | |
►CTestApplicationMessage | |
COuterGroup | |
►CTestApplicationTags | |
COuterGroup | |
CTestPrioApplication | |
►NtestStatusMonitor | |
CTestApplication | |
►NtestTestFacilities | |
CBlockingReadTestModule | |
CPollingReadModule | |
CPollingThroughFanoutsModule | |
►CReadAnyTestModule | |
CInputs | |
CTestBlockingReadApplication | |
CTestChaniedModulesApplication | |
CTestConvenienceReadApplication | |
CTestDeviceApplication | |
CTestInitialApplication | |
CTestNoDecoratorApplication | |
CTestPollingApplication | |
CTestPollingThroughFanOutsApplication | |
CTestReadAnyApplication | |
CTestWithTriggerApplication | |
►NtestTestFaciliy2 | |
CMyModule | |
CTestApp | |
►NtestTrigger | |
CTestApp1 | |
CTestApp2 | |
CTestApp3 | |
CTestApp4 | |
CTestApp5 | |
CTestApplication | |
CTestModule | |
CTestTransferGroupDummy | |
►NtestUserInputValidator | |
CModuleA | |
CModuleAwithSecondInput | |
CUpstreamSingleOut | |
CUpstreamTwinOut | |
►NtestVariableGroup | |
►CInputModule | |
CMixedGroup | |
COutputModule | |
CTestApplication | |
►NtestVersionpropagation | |
CEmptyFixture | |
CTheOutputModule | |
CThePushModule | |
CTheTestApplication | |
►NuserAppModules | |
CSetpointRamp | |
CArrayApplicationModuleTestApp | |
CArrayInputModule | |
CArrayOutputModule | |
CArrayVariableGroup | |
CArrayVariableGroupTestApp | |
CArrayVariableGroupTestAppForMove | |
CAverageCurrent | [Snippet: Class Definition] |
CController | [Snippet: Class Definition] |
►CDummyApplication | |
CGroup1 | |
CGroup2 | |
CGroup3 | |
CExampleApp | [Snippet: Class Definition Start] |
CFixtureWithPollAndPushInput | |
COutputModule | |
CPollModule | |
CPushModule | |
CPushModuleForFanOut | |
CPushModuleForTrigger | |
CScalarApplicationModuleTestApp | |
CScalarInputModule | |
CScalarOutputModule | |
CScalarVariableGroup | |
CScalarVariableGroupTestApp | |
CScalarVariableGroupTestAppForMove | |
CSetpointRamp | |
CSimulationModule | Example to simulate the working and usage of StatusMonitor |